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16 April 2024

To the Residents of Sydney: Premium Used Car Options from Roundabout Australia







ラウンドアバウト オーストラリアは、オーストラリアで高品質の中古日本車を提供することに尽力しています。当社は日本から厳選した中古車をオーストラリアのお客様に直接お届けし、高品質の車を手頃な価格で提供しています。

Featured Vehicle: Introducing the Note e-POWER

車種: ノート e-POWER X


年: 2016

走行距離: 144,274 km

車両状態: 良好

メンテナンスステータス: チェック済み

輸出前のセットアップ: CarPlayオーディオ、新しいダンロップタイヤ、消耗品の交換

販売価格: 14,000ドル

Basic Information and Features of the Note e-POWER

日産が提供するノート e-POWER は、革新的な e-POWER システムにより、ガソリン車の利便性と電気自動車 (EV) の滑らかで静かな走行性能を兼ね備えたハイブリッド車です。このシステムでは、ガソリンエンジンが発電機として機能し、電気モーターに電力を供給して、車輪を直接駆動することなく車を動かします。これにより、エネルギー変換効率が大幅に向上し、優れた燃費を実現します。



The Appeal of the Sale Price

上記の Note e-POWER は、オーストラリアで 14,000 オーストラリア ドルという魅力的な価格で販売されています。走行距離と 6 か月ごとに定期的にメンテナンスされていることを考慮すると、この価格は優れた価値を提供します。通勤に使用されてきたこの車は、日常使用における信頼性と耐久性を保証します。


この価格は、シドニー在住者にとって、高品質の中古日本車を所有する絶好の機会となります。Note e-POWER の経済性、信頼性、革新的なハイブリッド技術は、オーストラリアの道路での運転体験を大幅に向上させます。Roundabout Australia は、このような高品質の車両を適正な価格で提供することで、お客様が賢明な選択を行えるよう支援することを目指しています。

Vehicle Condition and Maintenance History

Mileage and Its Evaluation

The Note e-POWER’s mileage stands at 144,000 km. While mileage is an important criterion in selecting a used car, what it signifies can vastly differ based on the vehicle’s condition and direct maintenance history. Japanese cars are highly regarded for their durability and reliability, and with proper maintenance, a car with considerable mileage can still maintain high performance. This particular Note e-POWER has been regularly serviced every six months, indicating its condition is well-maintained regardless of mileage.

About the Biannual Regular Maintenance

The biannual regular maintenance undergone by this Note e-POWER is crucial for maintaining the vehicle’s reliability and safety. Maintenance history includes engine oil changes, brake checks, tyre condition assessments, and checks on the engine and hybrid system’s functionality. This comprehensive maintenance program ensures the vehicle retains high performance and minimizes the risk of future significant repairs. For buyers, this maintenance history serves as a reliable indicator in the vehicle selection process.

The Previous Owner's Usage and Vehicle Condition

The fact that the previous owner primarily used this Note e-POWER for commuting is beneficial information for understanding the vehicle’s usage context. If the car was mainly used for city driving, it is less likely to have been driven at extreme speeds or on rough terrains. The regular maintenance it received also suggests the previous owner cared for the vehicle’s condition. Such usage background guarantees the vehicle’s reliability for daily use for the new owner.

Why Choose the Note e-POWER

Environmental Friendliness and Economy

The Note e-POWER achieves a balance between environmental friendliness and economy with its unique hybrid technology. The e-POWER system generates electricity through a petrol engine to power the motor, resulting in superior fuel efficiency and significantly reduced CO2 emissions compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. The direct drive by the electric motor, as opposed to conventional hybrid vehicles that route through the engine, minimizes energy conversion loss and further improves fuel economy.


At a price of $14,000 AUD, the vehicle we introduced above is an economical choice in terms of both initial investment and running costs. The fuel efficiency directly translates to savings on gasoline, especially beneficial for city driving in Sydney. The Note e-POWER, with its combination of environmental considerations and economic benefits, represents an ideal choice for Sydney residents seeking a sustainable automotive lifestyle.

Convenience for Daily Use in Sydney

The compact size of the Note e-POWER is a significant advantage for driving in urban areas like Sydney. Its manageability in narrow streets and parking spaces enhances daily convenience for commuting, shopping, and weekend activities. Moreover, the quiet and smooth driving experience provided by the electric motor ensures comfortable driving, even in traffic jams.


Many Note e-POWER models are equipped with advanced safety features, further enhancing driving safety in Sydney’s busy traffic. Features like automatic braking systems and lane-keeping assist support the driver and promote safe travel. Thus, the Note e-POWER offers a blend of daily convenience and safety, enriching life in Sydney.

Purchase Process and Support

How to Buy from Roundabout Australia

Roundabout Australia offers a transparent purchase process to make it easy and secure for Sydney residents to buy high-quality used cars. For those interested in the Note e-POWER, start by contacting us online or visiting our store. Our experts will provide detailed vehicle information, purchase process guidance, and financial planning advice.


Once you decide to proceed, we recommend inspecting the vehicle in person. Roundabout Australia accepts reservations for viewing, allowing you to see the car at your convenience and even take it for a test drive to check its performance and condition. If satisfied, the purchase process involves drafting a contract, finalizing payment plans, and submitting necessary documents. We strive to make the process from purchase to delivery as smooth and swift as possible.

After-Sales Service and Warranty

At Roundabout Australia, customer satisfaction post-purchase is a priority. We offer comprehensive after-sales service and warranty plans for all our vehicles, including the Note e-POWER, to ensure peace of mind after your purchase.


Buying a vehicle from Roundabout Australia means enjoying transparency in the purchase process, extensive after-sales service, and a reliable warranty, delivering peace of mind and satisfaction to our customers. Choosing the Note e-POWER from Roundabout Australia is an excellent decision for those in Sydney, offering the best in quality and service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Maintenance Concerns for the Note e-POWER

Q: How should the Note e-POWER be maintained?


A: Maintaining the Note e-POWER is crucial for ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. We recommend a basic check every six months or after a certain mileage (e.g., every 10,000 kilometres), including oil changes, brake pad inspections, tyre rotation and air pressure checks, and diagnostic tests for the engine and hybrid system. Roundabout Australia offers post-purchase maintenance services, where our specialized technicians can provide proper care and support.


Q: Does the hybrid system require special maintenance?


A: While the hybrid system is relatively low-maintenance, periodic diagnostics to check the system’s health are advisable. Battery condition checks are particularly important and are performed using specialized diagnostic equipment. Roundabout Australia can provide the necessary maintenance and advice as needed.

Considerations When Buying

Q: What should I be aware of when buying the Note e-POWER?


A: When purchasing the Note e-POWER, consider the following:


– Vehicle History: Check for accident history, repair history, and maintenance records. Roundabout Australia discloses all such information online for transparency.

– 状態チェック: 走行距離、車体の状態、内装の状態を評価して、車両の全体的な状態を把握します。実際に車を検査すると、写真や説明以上の洞察が得られます。

– 保証とアフターサービス: 保証の詳細と、メンテナンスや修理などのアフターサービスの範囲を理解します。Roundabout Australia は、購入後の継続的な満足を保証する包括的なサポートを提供します。


Q: 購入後に追加費用はかかりますか?


A: 購入価格以外にも、必要に応じて保険料、登録料、初期メンテナンス費用を考慮してください。Roundabout Australia では、財務計画に役立つよう、購入プロセス中にこれらの追加費用について説明します。

Conclusion and Next Steps for Purchase

The Benefits of Choosing Roundabout Australia

Roundabout Australia を選ぶ主な利点は、透明性のあるプロセスを通じて高品質の中古車を提供するという当社の取り組みです。注目の Note e-POWER は、走行距離 144,000 km で年 2 回のメンテナンスが必要であるにもかかわらず、14,000 オーストラリア ドルという魅力的な価格で提供されており、当社が提供する信頼性と価値を実証しています。


当社は、透明性のある車両情報を提供し、詳細な車両履歴レポートで情報に基づいた購入決定をサポートし、包括的なアフターサービスを提供するよう努めています。このサポート システムは、Roundabout Australia がシドニーで中古車を購入する際に信頼できるパートナーである理由を強調しています。

Upgrading Your Sydney Life with the High-Quality Used Car Note e-POWER

Note e-POWER を選択すると、シドニーでのライフスタイルが大幅に向上します。この車は優れた燃費と環境効率を提供するだけでなく、広々とした室内と市街地走行への適合性により、毎日の理想的な相棒となります。先進の安全機能により、シドニーでの快適で安全な運転体験が保証されます。


この記事で紹介した車は、14,000オーストラリアドルで、初めて車を購入する人やコスト効率を重視する人にとって最適な選択肢です。Roundabout Australia を通じて Note e-POWER を購入すれば、信頼性の高い車が保証されるだけでなく、シドニーでの毎日の通勤がより快適で経済的になります。


この記事が、シドニー在住の皆さまにとって、ラウンドアバウト オーストラリアの高品質な中古車「ノート e-POWER」を購入し、シドニーでの生活をより充実したものにするための貴重な情報となることを願っています。購入を検討されている方は、ぜひラウンドアバウト オーストラリアまでお問い合わせください。


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